BellGASS a.s. performs site-assembly activities for designated gas, pressure and electrical equipment. Our company makes interface gas pipelines, gas supply lines from steel and polyethylene for heat distribution and performs site works and reconstructions. We manufacture, assembly and maintain equipment for extracting and treatment of oil and gas from underground storages and deposits.

Main areas of our company activities:

- Manufacturing, assembly, repair, maintenance, reconstruction and inspections of designated gas, pressure and electrical equipment,
- Realization of buildings and their changes - low, medium and high pressure gas pipelines, crude oil and heat pipelines,
- Pressure and technical tests and inspections of gas equipment,
- Control centres, boiler rooms,
- Machining, constructions,
- Providing professional advice in implementing of quality systems for welding according to STN EN ISO 3834-2, approving WPQR and designing of WPS,
- Function of testing inspector for testing welders within COP at VUZ-PI SR.

Our company makes and deliver complete works including project documentation, work processes, tests, inspections, revisions, accompanying and hand-over documentation.

BellGASS a.s. continuously endeavours to innovate and improve production and assembly technologies that open new possibilities for the company, its workers and partners.